celebrated my 3rd anniversary with hubby on labour day.. catch Friday the 13 on tt day at Suntec Eng wah.. the show wasn't as scary as we tot it will be cause hubby colleague say whole cinema screamed.. budden.. IT'S SILENT LUH!! maybe i haf watch many episodes of Jason so i roughly know when he will appear therefore it doesn't scares me tt much.. ^O^
went shopping after tt bought a pair of skirts and a couple tee.. and even ate my fav YAMI peach yogurt.. muhweehee!! nice nicee~!!! went for dinner at Swensens after tt.. the Banana Split taste is still lingering in my mouth especially the strawberry toppings.. tsk tsk.. wish i can haf one this moment and slurp it up.. :D
was very very very happy on tt day as i notice tt even afte 3 yrs i still do enjoy being in this R/S or even marriage with my hubby.. with not one bit of love less in our heart.. always telling hubby tt we will always be so en ai en ai.. oni diff is we haf one more important person coming into our life.. MY LIL' PRECIOUS BERNICE!!
byes ppls