lil' precious got her hair trimmed yesterday.. now she look so... duh.. LOLS!! especially when she just wake up.. that blur chubby face makes me wanna bite her cheek.. haha...
hubby promised to get me a BBQ pit to celebrate my birthday.. haha... i gonna invite u and u and u.. haha.. not forgetting my darling and baobei nu er Cheryl luh... <333
my mummy also promise to pay for my hair perm as birthday present.. wahaha... nice nice.. can save the money.. muhuhu..k la.. i very stingy one okie... >.<
today hubby OT OT la.. i so pathetic at home rotting in process... nuas nuas nuas... T.T i wan GAI GAI lehhhhhhh.. ::(
Darling and her dear dear (bear bear) go GIANT gai gai lo... though not very far la.. but also gai gai ma... I WAN GO!!!!! :O
even my ma and pa in law oso gai gai... me lehhhhhhhhh?? at home neh neh neh with lil' precious.. -.-
k las.. here is my updates on Bernice:
that is all i can think of fer de time being.. seeing her sitting by herself, trying to stand up makes me feel happy.. cause she is growing le... cant waiit to see that short ball walking around and running around.. laughs..