Went to Tampines 1 again yesterday.. Surprised hubby hubby with a new shoe and a couple watch.. Sweet eh?? laughs.. kk i know.. think skin.. but.. he was really happy when he saw de shoe as his shoe had already spoiled a long time ago and i oni found out recently.. kaes.. i'm BAD!!! when he saw the shoe he was like.. WAH!! why u suddenly go buy shoe tt kind of face.. tt shocking look sooooo funny.. SIMPLY LOVE HIM SO MUCH!! again he so eager to put on tt shoe.. laughs.. like small kid liddat.. u know?? like when u mummy buy something for de child they will wanna put it on immediately.. hahas!!
MIL helped me to take care of Lil' precious last night but i still woke up at 5am thinking it's feeding time.. haha... body auto alarm went off... but at least i have better slp last night.. no crying and feeding..
going off for gaming le.. BYE~