You guys must be wondering why did i upload pictures of Barney the purple dinosaur. The reason is that i am already a semi fan of Barney and i am being forced to love him as much as my little angel. She made me watch the DVDs and VCDs of Barney 5 to 6 times a day. The maximum amount of time we had watch is actually EIGHT!! Can u imagine how bored i get?? If i do not on the show she will start crying. Her eyes will be very red and full of tears. There's no way i can say no to her request on watching Barney. Though i do not really like watching Barney but i love baby bop. A three years old green dinosaur with a yellow blankie which she love carrying around. I hope little angel will stop making me watch Barney for the whole day long.
Little angel birthday is coming and we have planned to have chalet and bbq session. My mummy actually ordered a Barney cake for her. I guess she wil be very happy to see her cake. We booked 2 chalets and hope to have everyone staying over night and have some fun fun fun!! Time seems to pass so quickly. Little angel is almost 2yrs old but as when she grows older, she seems to be more mischevious. I guess this is normal for all children. It don't matter as long as she is healthy (: Well... looking forward and counting down to her birthday.
10 more days to little angel 2nd birthday