Maple maple maple!!
Lubby hubby, Jia looon and i started new char ARAN!! We look exactly the same and there's even people asking if we were from the same family! HOHO!!! Interesting isn't it?
Our IGN (In game nick) mine : x9kx
hubby : x99kx
jia loon: x999Kx
Hubby came out with this idea of calling himself 99K cause he wants to have that damage! So funny!! I wonder if we really can hit that kind of damage.
Lubby hubby, Jia looon and i started new char ARAN!! We look exactly the same and there's even people asking if we were from the same family! HOHO!!! Interesting isn't it?
Our IGN (In game nick) mine : x9kx
hubby : x99kx
jia loon: x999Kx
Hubby came out with this idea of calling himself 99K cause he wants to have that damage! So funny!! I wonder if we really can hit that kind of damage.
hubby, jia looon & me
The items below are equipments used by my Night Walker lvl 111. Not very pro though. Hopes to get top bottom so i can have more dex on me to either down my ability stats or get higher lvl weapon with good weapon attack!
Ravana Helmet

Just got home. Went to Ehub. Played pool with lubby hubby, Jia looon and Sidney. Lubby hubby is still as good as before in his pool. No one can hardly beat him in the game unless accidental incident. Met Sean and Andy at 5. We then watched a movie at 5.35. Resident Evil. I don't really enjoy the show. Felt like sleeping. Stupid ending! Went makan aftermath. Laksa!!! Crave for Laksa so much!! After makan we passed by an optical shop decided to get a spectacle for Sidney as he complain of blurry vision! Headed home and... TADAH!!! Here i am blogging!!
Logging on to maple now. Shall stop my "speech" here!!