back to postie... reporting at 10am in the morining at Bedok CC.. den head to bedok central and haf KFC.. de breakfast sucks.. haha... not nice de... den mrt to ah ma hse... slept de moment i reach there and woke up around 2pm... headaches.. had durian and mangosteen den off to temple bai bai... due to many nightmares i haf for past few weeks... den buy bubble tea.. nt so nice de pearl nt chewy at all.. haha very nian ya.. ate dinner(i know eat alot) after tt back at home at 9.. hubby returned home late due to his busy work.. tsk tsk.. sleep str8 after tt..
ben came my hse today.. simply ignored him too much playing games.. to engross into it.. haha... slacking day.. games games games... planned for my bday celebration with ben.. might be heading off for buffet on sunday and den to PP to enjoy ourselves.. not cfm yet.. anyway.. BBQ has been cancelled as i wan to go home and celebrate with my family members.. sorry guys.. thanks darling for actually wanting to buy me a birthday cake but sorry not having BBQ but do join us for celebration on de actual day... IS A MUST TO TAG ALONG CAUSE ITS MY BIRTHDAY!! LOL~
enjoy enjoy enjoy.... but i am still... SLEEPY!!!!!!